Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wow, it has been a long time. Too long. Well, I admit that I had neither the inspiration nor the drive to post for the past two months. 

Anyway, here's a pretty cool video featuring a group called Sorea (Sounds of Korea). Sorea is something of a fusion group which uses traditional Korean musical instruments like the daegeum (bamboo transverse flute), haegeum (string instrument similar to the erhu), gayageum (12-stringed zither) and janggu (hourglass-shaped drum) fused with modern elements to create something culturally chic. It seems that fusion groups are growing in popularity as people realize that while traditional music may not appeal to all, fusing them with today's music probably would. It's also good in a way that by doing so, we remember our cultural roots lest they fade away with time. Ok, enough blabber - Enjoy Seoul in Panic by Sorea!