Thursday, October 28, 2010


I hate idleness. And I have been feeling it now and then throughout the multitude of courses I have been doing as part of my training for the past 3 months; more so towards the end. Maybe it's because of a lack of practical training? Maybe there has just been too many courses all along? Whatever the reason, it is depressing. And not to mention, degrading. There is nothing worse than to wander and be idle because it is from this that trouble brews. Randomness. Wandering thoughts. Meaninglessness. There is a phrase from a game I used to play which sums it all up: "Heresy grows from idleness."

I have my direction, motivation and passion. I know what to aim for, what to work for. But this idleness is in the way and eroding the very path which I am taking now. I pray Station life will be nowhere similar.

I hate idleness. Go away.