Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011, 你好!

I am lucky this year to have my off days during this transitional period to celebrate the coming and going of the years. Lots of things have happened this year, plus lessons learnt and new experiences. Looking ahead, I'll be penning down my resolutions for the coming year 'cause there are things to improve on! Here we go...

Keeping my Principles.


Ah, principles, principles, principles... the very basis of things which our lives go about with. What we believe in, and what we will die believing in. With so many influences nowadays, it is easy to get swayed, be it from anything from office politics to ethical reasons. The last thing I'll want is to go against the principles which I've lived with all my life. Then I'd fail myself. Like I once quoted, "I would rather the whole world hate me for who I am, than the world like me for who I'm not." I will live and die by my principles. Because that is what forms each one of us.

Listen more and remember.

"Huh? What?"

This is one of my weak points - I have selective hearing. Time to start listening AND paying attention to things being said. This is important not only in life, but in work as well. Stop acting as if you're really listening and go plug that hole on the other ear so you retain whatever you just heard! And process it!

Be more decisive.

"Ok men, we will go with Plan A. No wait. Plan B is better. Actually... Plan A seems more feasible... but then again, Plan B..."

This would pertain more to my career (and life as well) as my role requires me to make decisions - sometimes easy ones, sometimes difficult ones. The only question is whether it was a good or bad decision. And when you are in the heat of operations, there is no time to sip coffee on a nice rocking chair pondering on whether Plan A or B is better while that freaking aluminium fuselage is burning away with Jet A1 spraying all over the place like a drunk person from Zouk Out! who has impaired bathroom aiming skills. Seriously think. Quickly weigh. Decide. Act.

Be less self-centred.


This is a family trait. I really hate it, but what to do? Blood is thicker than water... This will take some time and will be difficult to change. But not impossible. Impossible is nothing.

Improve on my Chinese.

"Wo suck at Hua Yi. Therefore, wo yao du."

For those of you who don't know, I absolutely suck at this. Suck with a capital 'S'. Simple conversations with the cleaning lady or the station mechanic are humongous and almost impossible tasks. With my laughable vocabulary and horrendous pronunciation, conversing in Chinese is like having constipation and trying to squeeze it all out. I gotta try to slowly buck up and practise using it whenever possible.

Take photos of the KTM Tanjong Pagar Station.


I have got to do this before this place disappears around the mid year. This is the only place in Singapore where you can enter Malaysian soil without a passport! Haha. What a thrill. Yay. Ok cheap thrills aside, this station still has remnants of the colonial building designs as well as stained glass windows if I'm not wrong? And being the ONLY railway station in Singapore (excluding Woodlands Checkpoint Station - oh come on, that is just a building), this is definitely a must-see/shoot before it goes.

Be myself.

"That's me."

Most important of all, just be myself. Nothing more, nothing less.

That's about it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! RAWR.