Friday, October 28, 2011

Crazy Idea

Some crazy idea I'm having now (look at the travelling time!). I must be out of my mind. Never mind, one day...muahahaha...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MSA Nostalgia

I just love this video. The golden age of aviation. And that catchy song.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Albothyl (Policresulen Solution)

I recently had an ulcer in my mouth and usually when that happens, I turn to this wonder called Albothyl which I obtained while in Korea some time back. Albothyl - which is actually policresulen solution - is just a commercial name very much like Panadol. This thing in my opinion so far, is the BEST cure for mouth ulcers. Why? Because it 'burns' your ulcer away and within two to three days, you're on the way to recovery! (the box even has a picture of an arrow stuck in a girl's mouth - that must explain the pain you encounter when using it.) I am not one who enjoys pain, but I will take it if it will cure something fast. 

Anyway, I went to my bottle and to my dismay, there was no more solution left. Dang. How now... I knew previously that this medicine was not available locally as 1) I had never seen it on the shelves, and 2) my friends had also never heard of it. I decided to do a search on the Internet anyway and typed 'Albothyl'. My search unexpectedly brought me to a medicine website which told me Albothyl was a medicine for some-part-of-a-woman-which-I-shall-not-mention-here. Many other medicine/pharmaceutical websites yielded similar results. Whoa. From treating mouth ulcers to this. 

Okay. Never mind. I remembered the proper chemical name was policresulen, so on a visit to a Watson's outlet, I approached the pharmacist. I explicitly chose not to ask for Albothyl. Instead, I asked, "Excuse me, do you have policresulen? ...I think it's for mouth ulcers?" The pharmacist looked like she knew what that was and began searching the cabinets, finally found it and turned to me, "Yes, I have it but it's for piles." Right. 

The next moment, I was queuing up at the cashier with a bottle of Listerine in my hand. No better choice for now I guess (I don't really think Bonjela and Oracort are as effective). I'll have to remember to pick up another bottle if I head back to Korea.