Thursday, April 30, 2009

The End

About 6 hours ago, I finished my last paper for the last semester of my last year. (Damn that 8 marks ribblets question... who would've thought that would come out...) Yep, I'm finally done with Uni. And boy has 3 years passed just like that. I still remember my first year - getting slapped in the face with a torrent of high-speed learning. And then subsequently crashing and burning during the first few exams.

On the brighter side, it has really been an experience. The new friends that I've made here, the amount of knowledge gained (OK, I admit, a majority of that has been lost already), the eye candy from Arts (particularly Geography and Psychology), the countless deadlines, submissions, tutorials, mid-terms, exams... yes, it has really been an eventful 3 years. Even now as I type this entry, I am still reeling from the fact that it is finally over.

I guess it is normal for us human beings to become attached to a place or routine thing which we continue to do for a long period of time. But once this routine ends, these things which have become so much a part of our lives suddenly come to an end. At that point of time, you only then start to realize the effect and then you start reminiscencing of the good ol' days bringing this feeling of "So it's over, huh?". Well, for me at least.

After finishing my last paper, me and some Uni friends headed to Clarke Quay for some post-Uni celebration dinner cum chilllout session at Jazz@Southbridge at Boat Quay. (On a sidenote, that place never fails to surprise me - that night's set had a guest flautist who played Girl from Ipanema and another song I forgot. Awesome stuff.) It so happened that just before we left, the set was playing What a Difference a Day Made which resembled thoughts of my last day.

As they say, 'Life goes on', so this is just The End of one chapter and the beginning of another... and that I am looking forward to.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Law of Bus Waiting

The Law of Bus Waiting states that when at a bus stop, the service number you are waiting for will not come until all other service numbers have come at least once (if not multiple times) thereby resulting in personal frustration and an increased lack of faith in the public transportation system. 

This Law is not restricted to a particular service number, but instead, applies to whatever service number you are currently waiting for. 

The frustration level, F can be denoted by the following relationship:

F = f (n, t)


n is the number of buses arriving at the bus stop before the FIRST service number (which you are currently waiting for) arrives

t is the waiting time

Mathematically, F can be calculated as follows:

F = (k + 1) t exp (n)


k is an amplification factor equal to the ADDITIONAL number of service numbers (which you are currently waiting for) that arrive together in quick succession (i.e. one or more buses immediately behind the other(s))

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Find your perfect job in the Empire!

For those of you who use Facebook, you might have noticed the large amount of quizzes friends are taking like, "What colour are you?", "How many kids will you have?", etc... (there are heaps of these quizzes and they are totally full of crap but great to laugh at). Well, being a Star Wars fan, one particular one stood out which I took rather eagerly: "Find your perfect job in the Empire!"

After finishing the short quiz, my outcome was,

TIE Pilot 
We buy Em'/You Fly 'Em! Soar to new heights as a pilot in the Imperial Air Force. Sure Imperial TIE fighters are not exactly aerodynamic, but they look cool and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

My friend Eugene similarly took the quiz some minutes later and got the following,

Congratulations! You are definitely going to be working in the coolest place possible! The Empire will be sending you to the scenic winter resort on Hoth. The slopes are always open! The Empire recommends you pack plenty of thermal underwear. Word of caution: Beware of the native creatures - it is rumored that not only do they smell awful, but they can and will rip your arm off.

What followed after this was a comical T.C.S. (Talk Cock Session) between me and Eugene:

Me: Regardless of where we are posted, we will always be disposable free-frag fodder (esp for Vader's tantrums)
Eugene: yah lor.... some more i bobo shooter.... my laser rifle will not hit anything
Me: Don't worry, our sheer numbers are there for quantity, not quality
Eugene: only stormtroopers are so "precise"

(You need to have at least watched Episode IV to get the joke)

Monday, April 6, 2009

This. Is. MADNESS!

This is Hell Month. I just tackled a particular job interview at the beginning of the month so now comes the wait (it's killing me!). That over, I got an Aerodynamics quiz tomorrow. FYP Final Oral Presentation the week after. Study Week the week week after, and then 3 x Final Papers the week week week after. Following that will be the end of my university course. But for now, it's going to be madness:

(turn up the volume for maximum effect; the insanity grows around 3:10!)

I'm lovin' it.