Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Little Gun that Could

I happened to be looking through my pics and noticed this particular one which brought back some memories:

This pic was taken many months ago when me and two other buddies went down to a LAN shop to have a game of Company of Heroes, a World War II strategy game. What makes this pic worth mentioning is that it shows an artillery gun (a M2A1 105mm Howitzer Artillery to be exact) manned by 3 crew members, located in the middle of a very open and barren plot of grassless land. Cute. But that's not all...

In the game, when your soldiers, tanks, artillery guns and other stuff take out enemy forces, they gain experience points. Upon reaching a certain amount of points, they gain a veterency level (i.e. 1 chevron stripe for the first level, 3 stripes for the maximum) meaning that they are now more 'experienced' and hence, for example, able to survive better, hit enemies more accurately or move faster. Although it isn't clear in the pic, there are actually 3 chevron stripes above the artillery gun meaning that it has obtained maximum veterency level. Or simply in Hokkien, si bei lao jiao.

When I took this pic, it dawned on me that while we were all struggling to push our forces north to the enemy's base - coupled with the numerous tank and vehicle losses, infantry squads getting annihilited and the constant tug-of-war battle for that damn hill in the middle of the map - my friend's sole artillery gun was firing away all the time, helping the war effort either by clearing some road or pounding a concentration of enemy troops or shelling a defensive position. And it did it so well that it ended up earning 3 stripes. All by itself.

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