Friday, October 28, 2011

Crazy Idea

Some crazy idea I'm having now (look at the travelling time!). I must be out of my mind. Never mind, one day...muahahaha...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MSA Nostalgia

I just love this video. The golden age of aviation. And that catchy song.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Albothyl (Policresulen Solution)

I recently had an ulcer in my mouth and usually when that happens, I turn to this wonder called Albothyl which I obtained while in Korea some time back. Albothyl - which is actually policresulen solution - is just a commercial name very much like Panadol. This thing in my opinion so far, is the BEST cure for mouth ulcers. Why? Because it 'burns' your ulcer away and within two to three days, you're on the way to recovery! (the box even has a picture of an arrow stuck in a girl's mouth - that must explain the pain you encounter when using it.) I am not one who enjoys pain, but I will take it if it will cure something fast. 

Anyway, I went to my bottle and to my dismay, there was no more solution left. Dang. How now... I knew previously that this medicine was not available locally as 1) I had never seen it on the shelves, and 2) my friends had also never heard of it. I decided to do a search on the Internet anyway and typed 'Albothyl'. My search unexpectedly brought me to a medicine website which told me Albothyl was a medicine for some-part-of-a-woman-which-I-shall-not-mention-here. Many other medicine/pharmaceutical websites yielded similar results. Whoa. From treating mouth ulcers to this. 

Okay. Never mind. I remembered the proper chemical name was policresulen, so on a visit to a Watson's outlet, I approached the pharmacist. I explicitly chose not to ask for Albothyl. Instead, I asked, "Excuse me, do you have policresulen? ...I think it's for mouth ulcers?" The pharmacist looked like she knew what that was and began searching the cabinets, finally found it and turned to me, "Yes, I have it but it's for piles." Right. 

The next moment, I was queuing up at the cashier with a bottle of Listerine in my hand. No better choice for now I guess (I don't really think Bonjela and Oracort are as effective). I'll have to remember to pick up another bottle if I head back to Korea.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gold Silver

Today, I will 'fight fought for glory'. I've done it before, so I can could do it again. I will jump jumped like a rabbit kangaroo, pull pulled to the sky, sit sat up forty times, shuttle shuttled below ten, and but the biggest hurdle of them all - run like the wind I did not run fast enough like the wind.

6 seconds cost me $200.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Phase Shift

It is funny. Nowadays, the thought of finding your other half, getting a family and kids tends to come up in my mind. Me and my buddies were talking the other day about relationships and the progressions of life and it dawned on us that a few years back, this had never registered in our brains. All that was last time was: when our next LAN session was, how I fragged my friend with that head shot, or how my friend used that massive ass Pershing/Sherman tank group to support my Airborne infantry as we overran the enemy. And now? How's A doing with B? You're dating someone? I heard C is getting married soon. D's got a kid on the way. E broke up after 4 years. F just proposed! I wonder when is my turn. And so on and so forth...

Is there some biological clock that triggers these thoughts at a certain age? I find myself looking at couples and their kids at times and picturing myself in that situation. Noticing how that baby looks in worry as his mother disappears to the toilet, only to smile when she returns. Or how you'd imagine yourself bringing up your kid or having your own family gatherings. Or thinking of future plans... what you need to save on... how much would you need at this age... down-payments... loans... future holidays... Frankly speaking, I had never considered these things prior to graduation. Student life was all about getting through that semester, enjoying life, having fun with friends, not worrying about a boss or deadline to meet but instead, how you'd finish that lab report which you procrastinated and was due the following morning. I was at my alma mater some weeks back to run at the stadium after work and during then, the sight of a group of students playing touch rugby brought memories of my student life flooding back. The look on their faces was different - they played with full enjoyment, as if there was no worry tomorrow. When you've got a career, you get a different face.

After graduation however, 'life concerns' which I mentioned above started to fester in my mind. Almost automatically. As if it was 'time'. And this has only grown with time. I wouldn't think that I'm thinking too far ahead as it is only wise to have some plan and direction ahead. I haven't really thought of the details yet but the general idea is there and I'm just taking it as it comes. Whether it's an age thing or just me... well, it's just... funny. Hah.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One month... and counting!

Woohoo! It's been a month already going solo at my job and also my... ...anyway looking ahead, lots of stuff coming up and to keep improving on. I'll do what I can, while I still can. Gonna make it!

Hey, have you ever tried
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows
But, baby here goes

Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if you're wondering what this song is leading to
I want to make it you
I really think that we can make it girl

No, you don't know me well
And every little thing only time will tell
If you believe the things that I do
And we'll see it through

Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
I really think that we can make it girl

Baby you know that
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life, it's for us to keep
And if I'd chose the one I'd like to help me through
I'd want to make it with you
I really think that we can make it girl

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011, 你好!

I am lucky this year to have my off days during this transitional period to celebrate the coming and going of the years. Lots of things have happened this year, plus lessons learnt and new experiences. Looking ahead, I'll be penning down my resolutions for the coming year 'cause there are things to improve on! Here we go...

Keeping my Principles.


Ah, principles, principles, principles... the very basis of things which our lives go about with. What we believe in, and what we will die believing in. With so many influences nowadays, it is easy to get swayed, be it from anything from office politics to ethical reasons. The last thing I'll want is to go against the principles which I've lived with all my life. Then I'd fail myself. Like I once quoted, "I would rather the whole world hate me for who I am, than the world like me for who I'm not." I will live and die by my principles. Because that is what forms each one of us.

Listen more and remember.

"Huh? What?"

This is one of my weak points - I have selective hearing. Time to start listening AND paying attention to things being said. This is important not only in life, but in work as well. Stop acting as if you're really listening and go plug that hole on the other ear so you retain whatever you just heard! And process it!

Be more decisive.

"Ok men, we will go with Plan A. No wait. Plan B is better. Actually... Plan A seems more feasible... but then again, Plan B..."

This would pertain more to my career (and life as well) as my role requires me to make decisions - sometimes easy ones, sometimes difficult ones. The only question is whether it was a good or bad decision. And when you are in the heat of operations, there is no time to sip coffee on a nice rocking chair pondering on whether Plan A or B is better while that freaking aluminium fuselage is burning away with Jet A1 spraying all over the place like a drunk person from Zouk Out! who has impaired bathroom aiming skills. Seriously think. Quickly weigh. Decide. Act.

Be less self-centred.


This is a family trait. I really hate it, but what to do? Blood is thicker than water... This will take some time and will be difficult to change. But not impossible. Impossible is nothing.

Improve on my Chinese.

"Wo suck at Hua Yi. Therefore, wo yao du."

For those of you who don't know, I absolutely suck at this. Suck with a capital 'S'. Simple conversations with the cleaning lady or the station mechanic are humongous and almost impossible tasks. With my laughable vocabulary and horrendous pronunciation, conversing in Chinese is like having constipation and trying to squeeze it all out. I gotta try to slowly buck up and practise using it whenever possible.

Take photos of the KTM Tanjong Pagar Station.


I have got to do this before this place disappears around the mid year. This is the only place in Singapore where you can enter Malaysian soil without a passport! Haha. What a thrill. Yay. Ok cheap thrills aside, this station still has remnants of the colonial building designs as well as stained glass windows if I'm not wrong? And being the ONLY railway station in Singapore (excluding Woodlands Checkpoint Station - oh come on, that is just a building), this is definitely a must-see/shoot before it goes.

Be myself.

"That's me."

Most important of all, just be myself. Nothing more, nothing less.

That's about it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! RAWR.