Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Loveholics - Butterfly

Awesome song and music video by Loveholic, a Korean rock group. This song was a collaboration between Loveholic and other singers/groups also under the Fluxus Music group hence the plural name, Loveholics. Those of you who know Clazziquai might also recognize them in the video.

Man, you gotta love that butterfly ;)

Monday, June 15, 2009


I just recently returned from a 3-day stay at the hospital isolation ward after having a flu and fever. OMFG! H1N1! YOU BETTER STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME, PIG! CAN IT BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH BLOGS? YOU REALLY GOT IT RIGHT? Read the title.

Yes, the results were negative, thank God. However, let me recount 3 encounters at Ground Zero which reflects some of the public reaction.

Encounter #1 happened when I left the X-ray room to cross the corridor and return to the isolation ward just about 3m away. A man walking in my general direction saw me, made a abrupt 180 degrees rotation and then walked away as if it was as normal as picking flowers.

Encounter #2 happened after I failed the initial blood test indicating that I was suspected case. To make things sound nice and less serious, they called it 'Suspected URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)' instead of 'Suspected H1N1'. Anyway, Encounter #2 took place as I was being wheelchaired from the isolation room to the isolation ward by two male nurses. One male nurse was always in front of me motioning people to stay away from me as I was being wheeled through the corridors and to the lifts. I understand they were just doing their job enforcing preventive measures but I must admit the whole charade was slightly embarrasing.

Encounter #3 is by far the best. As I reached the isolation wards, a young lady was leaving some room (office?) and upon seeing me in the wheelchair, spun around double-quick time, ran back to the room and slammed the door. Hmm, must be the Welcoming Committee.

Fast-forwarding, secondary swab tests (the main deciding factor of H1N1) came back 2 days later with negative results so that was a huge relief but I had to stay an extra day because of a recurring fever. Other than that, the hospital staff and nurses were very friendly and caring throughout my 3 days there. I respect them as they continue to brave the everyday dangers of the H1N1 virus. Thank You doctors, nurses of Ward 17 and not forgetting, the nurse who was stuck with me in the isolation room while waiting for the initial test results - it was nice talking to you.

P.S. Ever since my childhood, I don't think I've watched this much television over 3 days.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


A man was driving down a road.
A woman was driving up the same road.
As they both passed each other, the woman shouted at the man, "Pig!"
The man shouted back, "Bitch!"
As the man rounded a bend, he crashed into a giant pig and died.

A man met God in his prayers and asked, "God, can I ask you a question?"
"No problem, go ahead," God replied.
"Is it true that a million years mean a second to you?"
"Yes, that is true."
"Then what does a million dollars mean to you?" the man asked.
"A penny," God replied.
"Then, can I please have a penny?"
"Sure, just give me a second."

Three engineering students were discussing about what type of engineer God was.
The first student said, "God must be a Mechanical engineer because of all these joints in our bodies."
The second countered, "Nah, I think He's an Electrical engineer because our nervous system has thousands of circuits."
The last one finally replied, "You both got it wrong, He's a Civil engineer - who else would build a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"

A snail was robbed by two turtles. When the police asked how it all happened, the snail replied, "It all happened too fast."

A man worked very hard all his life to become a millionaire. He wanted to bring his hard-earned riches with him when he died so he prayed asking God to grant his request. God granted it but said that he was only allowed to bring one bag with him. After hearing this, the man took his largest bag and filled it with gold bars. When the man finally died and went to heaven, he met St. Peter who told him that he wasn't allowed to bring any luggage with him. The man told St. Peter about his deal with God so St. Peter went to seek God to verify his statement. St. Peter soon returned and said to the man, "Alright, you can bring in the bag but I need to check the contents first." The man agreed. Upon opening the bag and seeing the contents St. Peter asked confusedly, "You brought pavement?"