Monday, January 11, 2010


What an eventful off-day! I grabbed some post-lunch Lee Kee pisang goreng on the way to my dental appointment at NDC. Teeth and gums status report: Healthy. Good Job. After that, I initially wanted to settle down at a coffee joint with my book and a nice cup of tea but ended up going to Changi Airport instead for some strolling and plane-watching.

The viewing galleries at Terminal 1 and 2 were under renovation so I settled for the one at Terminal 3 (can't wait till the T1 Viewing Gallery reopens and hopefully they don't screw it up like what they did with T2 and 3). Pretty much a quiet afternoon with just a few landings so I headed over to Popeye's for my dinner. To my surprise, I met some friends, who had just returned from a holiday, eating there. No more lonely dinner haha. We parted after dinner and I took a bus down to...

...for a nice swim. NTU Swimathon is coming up so better train lest ye fail thy team mates. You ever get that feeling of unlimited energy whenever you go for a run or swim? The feeling that even though you just ran/swam, you still feel refreshed and not tired at all and can actually continue? Well, I got Da Feeling today and ended up swimming non-stop for an hour after my warm-up laps. Other than eating or sleeping, the next best feeling is the one you get while exercising.

Following the swim, I headed to Bedok Interchange to check out the pasar malam there and to grab some post-swim munchies. I was craving for tutu cake but alas, it was not meant to be so I settled for some ice jelly cocktail from Hollywood at the Bedok Interchange hawker centre. I shared a table with this nice couple and they happened to ask if I had tried the ice jelly cocktail from 'Uncle', another dessert stall a few stalls down. I told them I hadn't and they gave me their opinion of Uncle's and Hollywood's and what ensued thereafter was a hearty discussion of good eating places in the east and some casual chit-chat. (I must remember: Uncle's ice jelly cocktail, rojak at Bedok Interchange and Dunman hawker centre, Cheng Tng at Bedok Camp hawker centre and the restaurant in Siglap beside NTUC and Denise wine place...)

It was a joy talking to them and after dessert, I took the scenic route home by walking back through the neighbourhood whilst listening to Maksim and gazing up at Orion's Belt (I must make it a point to remember where his head and sword are... and where that damn scorpion he is chasing is...)

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