Thursday, May 13, 2010


ULC training has stepped up in preparation for the Invitationals and Taiwan. Last Friday, Mr Sim gave us 400m anaerobic (hold your breath and sprint for 16m, 3 x per lap, 400m total). Jeez, the most I did in the past was 200m... and I couldn't even hold my breath for any of those 16m let alone the first one. That day however, I managed to survive the 400m and took only one breath for each of the 16m. YEEHA. I thought it was probably because of the soccer match I had with the ULC guys prior to training that boosted my cardio but today, Mr Sim gave us... 500m! WTF. Somehow managed to pull it off again, one breath for each of the 16m. So maybe it wasn't the soccer. YEEHA x2.

I am also beginning to see the after-effects of land training which we had the previous months. Most of my timings have shaved off good seconds. YEEHA x3. Monday's 100m finning and frontcrawl sprints were shagadelic. Broke my finning record and tried to get a 1:0X but just couldn't; will break it next time. Also broke my frontcrawl record on the first set but after that it was just OMFG... like digging into water with paper hands. And we started off training that day with 500m manikin and 500m, 400m, 300m finning... :D

Anyway, it's good to see improvement. Especially with my timings getting closer to the fast ones. And now, this song is stuck in my head... (love the dance moves synchro'd with the body lyrics!)

Like what my team captain keeps saying, "No Pain, No Gain". Looking forward to the upcoming trainings.


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