Monday, August 11, 2008

The First Day of the Last Year

Today is the first day of my last academic year - or rather, my final year. After a 3 month hiatus, school has finally begun - again. As I was walking to my lecture class this morning I was thinking, "Jeez, it's been 2 years already?". Time sure does fly.

I made some mental notes of the sights and sounds of the day: Students sardined in the Internal Shuttle Buses? Check. Just-what-the-f***-is-going-on Lectures? Check. How-the-hell-am-I-supposed-to-do-this-shit Tutorials? Check. Mile-long Subway queues? Check. The foreboding feeling that you are soon going to dive into (and probably drown) a pool of work of benthic magnitude? Check.

Ah... the smell of a new semester.

Aside from the usuals, there was something new as well - double-decker 151's! Wow, who would've thought we'd see double-decker buses plying the hilly roads of NUS. It seems that to alleviate the rush-hour problems of the 151 service in school, SBS Transit had kindly allocated double-decker buses to the service. This was actually a subject of some mindless banter I had with my friend some time back in which we joked about how the buses would negotiate the steep slopes and roundabouts of the campus. In fact, while walking down Kent Ridge Crescent today, I happened to see one of those double-decker buses making its way uphill and I watched it trudge up with no problem at all. I'd like to see that thing on full load.

Anyway, I'll see how the semester unfurls. I've got a FYP on hand, an interesting module on music, an Accounting module and some Engineering electives, plus I really need to up my grades (yes, they are pretty sucky). As me and my friend always used to say, "Next semester, I'm gonna work harder."

Yeah, right.

And I'm not being sarcastic.

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