Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Find your perfect job in the Empire!

For those of you who use Facebook, you might have noticed the large amount of quizzes friends are taking like, "What colour are you?", "How many kids will you have?", etc... (there are heaps of these quizzes and they are totally full of crap but great to laugh at). Well, being a Star Wars fan, one particular one stood out which I took rather eagerly: "Find your perfect job in the Empire!"

After finishing the short quiz, my outcome was,

TIE Pilot 
We buy Em'/You Fly 'Em! Soar to new heights as a pilot in the Imperial Air Force. Sure Imperial TIE fighters are not exactly aerodynamic, but they look cool and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

My friend Eugene similarly took the quiz some minutes later and got the following,

Congratulations! You are definitely going to be working in the coolest place possible! The Empire will be sending you to the scenic winter resort on Hoth. The slopes are always open! The Empire recommends you pack plenty of thermal underwear. Word of caution: Beware of the native creatures - it is rumored that not only do they smell awful, but they can and will rip your arm off.

What followed after this was a comical T.C.S. (Talk Cock Session) between me and Eugene:

Me: Regardless of where we are posted, we will always be disposable free-frag fodder (esp for Vader's tantrums)
Eugene: yah lor.... some more i bobo shooter.... my laser rifle will not hit anything one.....lol
Me: Don't worry, our sheer numbers are there for quantity, not quality
Eugene: only stormtroopers are so "precise"

(You need to have at least watched Episode IV to get the joke)

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