Thursday, January 28, 2010

From bad... to worth it

With age, comes its habits. I seem to becoming more the ah pek these days - took the papers down to the nearby Malay coffee shop to read it over some teh and my lunch. This is probably just the beginning haha...

The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful... so much so that I was beginning to lose my sanity. This had to stop. It's an off day for heaven's sake. Dvd's? Nah. Fringe? Not today. Games? Enough. Plane-watching? Hmmm... why not? With T1 and T2's viewing gallery closed for upgrading and T3's C.M.I. status, there was only one place left: Changi beach. I grabbed the camera and keys and drove out.

On the ECP, I saw planes landing and that meant one thing: they were coming in from the 20 approach and not the 02 approach which meant no landings from Changi beach :( I decided to carry on to Changi beach in hopes that the wind would change direction (fat chance...) or I could try my luck with watching planes taking off. I soon reached the beach and to my dismay, planes were taking off much too early to even get any joy in watching them (with the exception of hearing them roar above). Instead, I found myself taking snaps of peaceful scenes at the beach...

After a nice short stroll up and down the beach, I decided to fulfil my original mission. I remembered spotting a potential plane-watching area on the other side of Changi Airport near the Changi Business Park and decided to give that a shot. I drove all the way back along the 5km coastal road (boy, does that road bring back memories...), back onto the ECP and exited at the PIE and into the business park. After much trial and error, I found the perfect spot: Changi Business Park Central 2. At the end of this road lay a circular loop in the middle of an open field which offered an unobstructed view of the flight path of landing planes. Perfect. Overjoyed, I took up position in the shade of the trees and anticipated each plane as they approached 20L. To make things even better, the afternoon sun added a nice 'shine' onto the plane's fuselages as they came in and the clear blue sky provided a clean background.

The snapfest continued till I tried taking a video which caused the battery icon in my camera to go from 2-bars to 1-bar blinking and red. Outstanding. Just when the fun was already in the works. Anyway, I made well with whatever juice I had left in the cam batts and managed to take a video and as many shots as I could before they died on me. Satisfied with today's 'catch', I drove back surprised at how the rest of the day turned out. From bad... to worth it :)

+LEVEL UP: New plane-watching site gained!!!+

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