Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

First post for the New Year! As always, a year passes and a new one comes in - one that will hopefully be better than the previous.

Looking back at 2009, it was a year of change for me: My graduation from the university and my phase shift into the working world. Economy-wise, things were not so good so I couldn't secure a job in a field of my choice... and I'm still waiting for that something big ;) Hopefully, 2010 brings about positive change that will keep things favourable for me and my plans. My wait is coming to an end; I just hope it doesn't get any longer. I'm confident that I'll get there, the only question is, when? Optimism, optimism, optimism!

Celebration-wise, it was a quiet transition to the New Year for me. I stayed at home and watched the last 5 minutes of the countdown on Channel 5. Utterly disappointing. There was this Taiwanese hip-hop band performing various songs of no relation to the new year which made it all seem like the new year was some shallow-minded party bash. Oh wait, it always is.

Towards midnight, hosts Gurmit Singh and Michelle Chia conducted the usual countdown, screams and shouts of "ARE YOU READY!!!!!" Everything happened pretty fast and uneventfully and at the stroke of midnight, we were treated to 8 minutes of fireworks over the Singapore skyline. Very nice yes, but there was something missing. Instead of playing the traditional Auld Lang Syne, some dramatic orchestral piece fused with Chinese elements was played. Why the Chinese themes? Yes, Chinese New Year is up next but what's the hurry? Disappointing with a capital D.

I watched the full 8 minutes of eye candy and was waiting for any instance where they would start playing Auld Lang Syne but to my shock, they didn't at all. After the fireworks, it was back to the Taiwanese hip-hop band for more... yep, you guessed it- PARTY~ This is why I prefer Christmas to New Year's. There is more meaning in celebrating the former rather than the latter because I get no meaning - or feeling - at all from the latter here. Maybe I just celebrated it in the wrong country.

Anyway, here's to a great new year ahead! 2010 HOO-AH!!!

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