Thursday, April 8, 2010

1 x Update

It has been an oh-so-long time indeed. I am now working part-time instead while waiting in the meantime for June... IT'S COMING!!! I wanted to look for a job to fill in the current 2 months gap but I may decide to just sit back and chillax for now. Complacent? No. Faith? Yes. Ain't gonna get a break like this once the ball starts rolling - especially once I sign for it. Been having a lot of pressure recently because I couldn't find a job as planned; it's probably because everyone else is working and I'm slacking off. Well, a lot of friends have been telling me I should just take a break since I'm not gonna get something like this in a long long time. It's taken me a long time to get over this Asian mentality and I decided that rest, it shall be. I'll probably get another part-time job or go for a holiday or something plus catch up on everything else: movies, Fringe, training, more dives if the wallet permits and photography... speaking of which, I have been doing recently.

Went down to Changi Business Park that day to snap planes again and brought my binoculars this time. Learned that taking shots in widescreen would give a better presentation effect since the planes were long themselves and a lot of fore/background would be unnecessary. Took some good shots that day and also fooled around with the binoculars and camera to take extra-zoomed shots haha.

Good Shot 1

Good Shot 2

Binoculars + Camera = DSLR w/ 50-200mm lens

Will definitely invest in a DSLR once the money comes rolling in. The planes kept rolling in till about 6:45pm when I noticed they were now taking off from my position. That meant they were now landing from the other side now. It was getting dark and late but I decided to carpe diem and drive off to Changi Beach to catch whatever I could catch. My camera wasn't good enough to snap planes coming because it was getting dark so I took a video instead. Man, you gotta love that sound. As the evening unfurled, the sky greeted me with a delightful surprise:

Changi Beach Sunset

I guess the simple things in life are often the most rewarding. Full Tank Top-up: $50. Camera: $500. Watching planes come in under a breath-taking evening sky: Priceless.

Photography aside, been catching up on some movies as well. Watched Sherlock Holmes yesterday and loved the way they portrayed Holmes' analytical and logical approach to solving mysteries and even... how to win a fight:

Totally loved that scene. Plus, I learned a new word: Discombobulate.

Till the next post, adieu.

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