Friday, April 16, 2010

The Months Ahead...

Went to watch How To Train Your Dragon today, a pretty good animation initially about Vikings fighting dragons. Nifty graphics with heart-warming and humorous moments as well as a subtle message that parents should sometimes listen to their children. Tsk tsk. Had some supper at Republic of Steak at Victoria Street (right next to Victoria Hotel) which was similar in concept to Aston's - 2 complimentary sides to the mains along with the usual western steaks and fare. The potato salad side was good and chunky but Aston's coleslaw still won hand's down.

Other than the day's activities, I've been pondering on what to do for the coming months. Reservist is coming end June so that kinda sucks. So many options but so little money... Solo holiday to Laos or Perth? Family holiday? DM course? Dives? Another part-time job? I have also seriously been procrastinating with certain activities: Fringe episodes are still stuck at Season 1 Episode 9. Reading of books has been at a turtle's sloth's pace. Practising the violin. Dang. How the hell to advance/improve if I'm gonna hehe-haha dilly-dally wishy-washy. Whenever something is easily within reach, people take it for granted. How true. Now, I have all the freedom in the world and I go and do other less important things... Less wishful thinking and more doing please.

On the other hand, photography has been keeping me fairly busy. I'm hoping the wind changes one of these days so I can take shots of planes landing from Changi Beach (20 approach). The other evening's experience was absolutely not enough! Also, I don't think I can do those CAAS papers I had been hoping to... I need aeronautical engineering experience. Crap. I guess I will just read up on the modules. The weather's also been turning nasty.

I've got till June. Go figure. And just do it.

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