Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Winds of Change

This morning was like any other morning. I got up at around 10am, switched on the laptop, washed up, made the usual breakfast tea and finished off the last of the scones and read the papers. Coming back to the laptop, I pressed 'Enter' to allow my Gmail notifier to log on and to my surprise... I got an email from That Which I Am Waiting For to go for my re-Medical! WOOHOO!!! Things are looking good. June may really be the end of all the waiting (1 year and counting).

I also drove out to Changi again to snap planes and this time, the winds had changed! 20 approach - Changi Beach here I come! I'll let the pictures do the explaining :)

Indonesia AirAsia A320-200

Cathay Pacific B777-200

Singapore Airlines B777-200

Singapore Airlines A380-800

Pure, raw, awesomeness. Plus the sound of those engines, my goodness - like ecstasy to the ears! I wanted to stay and take some videos but alas, the fun was short-lived because a storm came in. I waited to see if it would subside and let me continue the snapfest but it went on and on and on... Oh well, another time I guess. I drove home and on the way back on Changi Coast Road, saw the evening sun among the storm clouds. The light at the end of the tunnel is finally within sight.

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